

Ken Wolf Portrait

When I was 18, a friend showed me how to manipulate Polaroid instant film with a lighter and a spoon to make them look like impressionist paintings. I still have my collection. During college, despite majoring in Poli-sci, I shot photos and had darkroom access throughout my undergrad years. After college, I moved to LA, working as a waiter, and trying to decide on a career path. Ultimately, I was inspired by another waiter, who was an excellent photographer, and made money on the side shooting models and actors. I thought to myself, if he can do it, I can do it, and made my decision to become a professional.

For a few years I worked as an assistant to a couple successful LA photographers. From them, I learned studio lighting, wedding and event photography, and lots of other essential skills. In 1990, I started my business, Wolf Photography, in LA. For several years, my business revolved around documentary-style wedding and event photography. Then in 1995, I had the opportunity to photograph a summer camp and had a blast. I reoriented my business around candid photos of children, creating a program that I have continued to use ever since. That unique program, shooting natural images of children engaged in learning and play, has become the centerpiece of my career. Through it, I have photographed children participating in preschool, dance, soccer, basketball, martial arts, softball, gymnastics, ice hockey, and more. Through these venues, I have been able to create unique memorable images, providing parents a rare opportunity to have natural images of their children. That program continues to this day.